Tuesday, November 23, 2010

No fractures this year. Touchwood.

Stewie Griffin: The best thing to have happened to babies since diapers.

I've been gone long, huh? It's fucking year-end already!
This year's New Year Resolution of learning how to tie a tie (?) crashed and burned ages ago and I have no such ambitions as giving it a shot now.
However I did master another art, that is just as tricky and requires just as much concentrated power of will.
I... have learnt... how to get... a screenshot!
Woot! I'm the King of the worrrrrrrld! Wooohooo! xD

Newsflash: So, my new poll is up.
Kindly vote.

Erm. Apart from watching good sitcoms, bad movies and stuffing my face with meat, I'm not doing much these days. Guess a semester straight out of hell usually has such an impact. Whatevs.
Plans of giving my room a "total makeover" went kaput. As did my much-dreamt-about trip to Mumbai did. 36 hours in that city and I was down with a case of food poisoning. Uggh.
Guhhhreat place to shop though!
That reminds me. *tears rolling down my quivering lips*
I saw the coziest... snuggliest... and by every measure the hottest Arsenal FC pullover ever.
It would've cost me a bomb but...



Waaaaaaaaaaahh! x'((

Shopping budget, die.

* * *

Three things no one has said to me in the longest time:

"Bon appetit!"

"You're beautiful..." (Hey it's absolutely OK to want to hear that sometimes, alright? Don't you judge me! Wait. What? Are you judging me? Are you really judging me on that?! Haha whoa, that's low. No, no that's really low like. No, really? Alright go ahead be a bitch. Yeah go for it. If it helps you sleep at night, go ahead alright? Judge. It's whatever. I don't care care anymore. Judge me. Yeah. Pooh! I don't give a rat's fucking ass. I don't. Go ahead. Whatever alright. WHAT. EV. ER.)

"Just stop talking for fuck's sake!" (This, I never get. I mean NEVER. Honest.)

* * *

Mirror mirror on the wall... What the *%^&@!# happened?
Note to self: You're becoming fat, bitch. Get out and run or you will die alone and friendless.
Yeah so I've been doing a lot of research on french fries. Yeah, bollocks.

* * *

This post is second in the series of clues being thrown at you to remind you that I'm yet alive.
I'll be back soon, lovelies, have a great thanksgiving!
And cheers to whatever is left of November- my second most favourite month on the calendar! :D


PS: Check this. FTW.